Thursday, December 25, 2008

καυτά φτερά

Seitan Wings I Made for XMASX

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Does listening to music you listened to when you were ___ make you feel like you did when you were ___?

Laugh at me please

Todays Playlist:
The Devil is Electric/Ghost Mice
Crossed Out
7 Seconds
Defiance, Ohio
Moldy Peaches
Youth of Today

Laugh at me again


Zacks' mad fucked up from getting hit by a car in St. Pete. He just got outta the hospital with a titanium rod from his knee to his ankle. Inside his leg. St. Pete's donating him some bucks via a B.E.E.R. fund (bicycle emergency economical relief), we'll be too - details soon.

Fuck the "too-cools" who made me too ashamed to like folk punk. Growing up is still giving up.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

poopy butt

free beer at hoops - yayyyyyy
emailed bsnyc and johnny payphone - cooooool
free vegan hotdog afterwards - yayyyyy

Friday, December 5, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

maybe somewhat more serious

old poster for deland's BIKE ATTACK - a cm-style bike ride

after being in orlando for 2.5 years now i really miss how it was 2.5 years ago. remember how much people used to hang out and how positive everyone used to be? when it was okay to like folk punk and love life? when everyone was too young to go to bars (i know some still are). when people were inspired and happy all the time?

i was talking to keri the other day and she was talking about how pretty her camping trip was and felt the need to use the disclaimer: "it sounds pretty cheesy, but..." - when i moved here people used to BRAG about being awestruck by nature.

"What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? "
-audre lorde

why does everyone smoke now? why is everyone stopping being vegan? why the fuck is everyone so apathetic now?

*"everyone" in this case is used to describe a set of people observed to have these listed traits - accept it as a generalization, not empirical data

trip to raleigh w/ alex fromdeland circa march 2006


this is all