Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why do you have a gun in space?

RVA day 3:

So last night after Julio got off work at Crossroads we headed up to 'Lil Florida' - the punk house at 800 W Clay with all ex-florida kids (aaaaaand Adrien used to live there). Julio let me borrow a beast of a beach cruiser (BEAST CRUISER?) - and we went up to a Sushi place called Nara to see the Government Warning show. Apparently, in Richmond, they have shows in sushi places - new to me!

When we got there there were tons of kids and the show was $7 instead of $5 - and, not trying to spend $7, I was reluctant to go in the first place, however, since the place was full they weren't letting people in - so julio and joe dela got in, then some dumpy burb punk with an eyebrow ring cut me and got in as the last one in (after having to go in and spange for the extra $2 he forgot to get from his mom. I was chilling outside and julio came up with a marker so I x'ed up and went right in, saying I paid earlier. Hells yeah, saved me that $7, then julio got me a pbr and we saw cool bands. Greatest heist of the evening went to Kyle from St Pete (now rva) who also x'ed in. He is 21 and the bar tender still wouldn't serve him cos of the x'es, so he went up to the door person and said something like "hey I guess i didn't show you my ID" and she gave him a wrist band to drink - so silly.

Government warning is the shit.

Also at the show were Circle Pat, Jon con and Hannah from BoMA, who were (you guessed it?) driving up to BOMA the next day with (you guessed it?) an empty seat! So today they're dropping me off in philly - philly pals, what up?!



Brian Badluck said...

haha i watched armageddon yesterday too

Birds said...

You're really doing it!

Shleppin Deckle said...

::Twinkles fingers::

I fucking wish I had gone. Hey! Maybe I'll hitch back from Philly?! If you need a place to stay there, I found a few places. Yeahhhhh

Allison Weiner said...

::Twinkles weiner::

"(aaaaaand Adrien used to live there)"